Custom Query (65 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#44 port everyblock admin functionality to admin ui new ltucker task major Distant Future
#45 Specialized SchemaField UI new pushcx enhancement major Distant Future
#46 Specialized NewsItem UI new pushcx enhancement major Distant Future
#82 dumpdata gives bogus output for db.Schema new slinkp defect major Distant Future
#86 Location admin UI should fill some fields automatically new pushcx enhancement major Distant Future
#89 Need to deal with locations that are not really local to that location new slinkp enhancement major Distant Future
#93 views on Location should match NewsItems whose .location_object matches new defect major Distant Future
#107 Admin UI screen for configuring the default map center & zoom assigned slinkp enhancement major Distant Future
#128 Address extraction code is impossible to work on new task major Distant Future
#152 Example OpenLayers widget hitting API new slinkp enhancement major Distant Future
#154 Enforce more constraints on SchemaField configuration new pushcx enhancement major Distant Future
#165 admin UI for lookups should constrain to schemafields with is_lookup = True assigned pushcx enhancement major Distant Future
#177 maps on location list page new enhancement major Distant Future
#190 Missing boston blocks new defect major Distant Future
#195 include icons for example schemas new enhancement major Distant Future
#206 Configure GeoRSS feed subscriptions to scrape in admin UI new enhancement major Distant Future
#209 Scraper Wiki Scraper? new enhancement major Distant Future
#218 Test coverage new task major Distant Future
#238 Misleading geocoding - "Roxbury" is an area, not a point. new slinkp defect major Distant Future
#247 More useful data in feeds: xcal, georss new slinkp enhancement major Distant Future
#248 Map on place detail page doesn't match "upcoming" events new slinkp defect major Distant Future
#251 Document and promote "big map" more new enhancement major Distant Future
#258 block import UI fails silently new ltucker defect major Distant Future
#259 Location.slug must be unique; should be combination of locationtype and slug new defect major Distant Future
#260 Merge locations with same name during shapefile import? new defect major Distant Future
#265 Better abstraction of many-to-many Lookup attributes new defect major Distant Future
#273 Password reset from admin UI is broken new ltucker defect major Distant Future
#283 Address link from an event-ish item should link to upcoming events in that area, not recent news new enhancement major Distant Future
#284 Neighbornews add/edit form: Better feedback when clicking map new enhancement major Distant Future
#285 REST API should support reverse-geocoding new enhancement major Distant Future
#287 Can't create admin user via admin UI new defect major Distant Future
#291 nlp address parser doesn't recognize prefixes new defect major Distant Future
#292 nlp address parser doesn't recognize highways new defect major Distant Future
#294 AddressGeocoder may raise InvalidBlockButValidStreet after finding a match new defect major Distant Future
#31 blows up if place name is too long new slinkp defect minor Distant Future
#32 "assumed location" for news sources new enhancement minor Distant Future
#54 Scrapers should warn about coordinates out of bounds new enhancement minor Distant Future
#70 refactor Blocks, Streets, Location, etc. to share a common API new slinkp task minor Distant Future
#106 Geocoder: maybe do algorithmic spelling correction in addition to searching Misspelling table new enhancement minor Distant Future
#116 What the heck should we do with petitions? new task minor Distant Future
#124 datetimes on models are not timezone-aware new enhancement minor Distant Future
#132 Replace database triggers with python code new task minor Distant Future
#134 Support using MapQuest tiles for the base layer new slinkp enhancement minor Distant Future
#145 Support importing street & block data from OpenStreetMap new enhancement minor Distant Future
#151 Create a basic javascript widget that hits API new slinkp enhancement minor Distant Future
#153 geojson map layer widget template new enhancement minor Distant Future
#161 doesn't work when run without the source in place new defect minor Distant Future
#163 Replace ebpub.geocoder.models.GeocoderCache with the normal cacheing framework, and/or purge old cache data new enhancement minor Distant Future
#176 Setting settings.METRO_LIST[0]['multiple_cities'] to True breaks tests new defect minor Distant Future
#212 NewsItem POST API should update the DataUpdate model? new enhancement minor Distant Future
#223 Front page layout of news items is confusing. new defect minor Distant Future
#224 Map popups need styling new defect minor Distant Future
#235 Replace django-static with django-compressor new slinkp task minor Distant Future
#239 Consistent date formats in & other things that use dates new task minor Distant Future
#240 Layout not scaling nicely new slinkp defect minor Distant Future
#241 Ebdata scrapers should be runnable as scripts, and provide a convenient way to load their schemas new enhancement minor Distant Future
#244 Changing schema filter does not reset paging new defect minor Distant Future
#249 Better generic support for JSON in NewsItem attribute fields new enhancement minor Distant Future
#255 Upstream django-olwidget upgrade new task minor Distant Future
#271 Conflict with django.contrib.flatpages? new defect minor Distant Future
#277 Support for excel XLSX files new enhancement minor Distant Future
#289 Upgrade to django 1.4 new task minor Distant Future
#290 Create street name aliases based on alternate names in TIGER data new defect minor Distant Future
#293 RSS feeds include checkbox next to each newsitem new defect minor Distant Future
#295 Geocoder ambiguous results: check the street suffix new defect minor Distant Future
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.